
This project is a Template that may be used to create help for an application that is used across the internet.

Before embarking on an application help project, you may wish to review the Adobe Developer Center. The following link should display an article devoted to creating this type of help. Preview this topic and Click here to view the article. (Internet connection is required)

It is worth noting that there is nothing mysterious about creating such help systems. The process is identical to creating help for an application that runs on the local PC. The same topics are used. The same Table of Contents, Index, Search and Glossary are presented. The only real difference is that the help exists on a web server as opposed to the local file system. The other main difference is that for locally installed help, the output is typically a single file with a .CHM file extension while WebHelp exists as many files and folders with different file extensions.

The authoring process is nearly identical. The main difference occurs when it is time to make the output available. Consider the table below:

Locally installed help

WebHelp on a server

Author content using RoboHelp

Author content using RoboHelp

Assign topics to appropriate identifiers

Choose mapping type:

  • Simple URL

  • Map IDs

Compile content to package in a single .CHM file.

Generate WebHelp output to create all the output files

Make .CHM available to build team

Place contents of WebHelp output folders on Web Server

There is often confusion over what needs to happen to get the WebHelp to the server. Exactly how that happens will depend on the way it is done at your company.

For example, you may find that you are supposed to copy the WebHelp files and folders to a known location determined by your IT staff or Web Development team. A third party is then notified. That party then takes over and copies the files to the Web Server.

Or you may be given direct access to the Web Server. In this case, you have full ability to copy the WebHelp files directly from the output folder on your PC to the Web Server location.